viernes, 1 de agosto de 2008

Learn Spanish. Prepositions, Family and animals and more!

al lado de- beside
con- with
alrededor de -around
contra- against
cerca de- near of, from
lejos de- far from
en- in, on
delante de- in front of
entre- between, among
debajo de- below, under
hacia- towards, about
en frente de- opposite
para- for, in order, by
detrás de- behind
por- for, through, along, via
encima de- above
sobre- on, over
hasta- till, until
sin- without
desde- from, since

Note: There are two prepositional contractions with definite articles. A and el combine to form al, and de and el combine to form del.

Family and Animalsf

family la familia
grandfather el abuelo
dog el perro
parents los padres
grandmother la abuela
cat el gato
husband el esposo
grandson el nieto
bird el pájaro
wife la esposa
granddaughter la nieta
fish el pez
father el padre
uncle el tío
horse el caballo
mother la madre
aunt la tía
goat la cabra
son el hijo
nephew el sobrino
pig el cerdo
daughter la hija
niece la sobrina
cow la vaca
children los hijos
cousin (m) el primo
rabbit el conejo
sister la hermana
cousin (f) la prima
turtle la tortuga
brother el hermano
relatives los parientes
mouse el ratón

To Know People and Facts
conocer - to know people saber - to know facts

conozco sé
conocemos sabemos
conoces sabes
conocéis sabéis
conoce sabe
conocen saben

Formation of Plural Nouns

If a word ends in an -ción, -tad, -dad, or -tud, it'll be feminine. Also, if you are talking about a female, you will use the feminine articles (la señora). Words ending in an -o are masculine. Days of the week are also masculine. And if you're talking about a male, use the masculine articles.

There are some exceptions to these rules and you just have to memorize them. To make words ending in a vowel plural, add an -s (libro = libros). Add an -es to make words ending in a constinant (papel = papeles). If a word ends in a -z, change the z to a c and add -es (cruz = cruces). After making the word plural, you must make the articles plural also. There are very few exceptions to making words plural.

martes, 29 de julio de 2008

Learn Spanish. Directions, colors, time and weather


north el norte
east el este
south el sur
west el oeste
red rojo
violet violeta
pink rosado
brown marrón
orange anaranjado
darkbrown café
yellow amarillo
black negro
green verde
gray gris
blue azul
white blanco
lightblue celeste
gold dorado
purple morado
silver plateado


Qué hora es? What time is it?
Es la una. It's one.
Son las dos/tres/cuatro... It's two/three/four...
Es mediodía. It's noon.
Es medianoche. It's midnight.
Son las cinco y cinco. It's 5:05
Son las ocho y cuarto. It's 8:15
Son las diez menos cuarto. It's 9:45
Son cuarto para las diez It's 9:45 (common in Mexico)
Son las nueve menos diez. It's 8:50
Son diez para las nueve It's 8:50 (common in Mexico)
Son las tres y media. It's 3:30


Qué tiempo hace? What's the weather like?
Hace buen tiempo. The weather's nice.
Hace mal tiempo. The weather's bad.
Hace frío. It's cold.
Hace calor. It's hot.
Hace sol. It's sunny.
Hace viento. It's windy.
Llueve. It's raining.
Nieva. It's snowing.
Está nublado. It's cloudy.

In the next chunk we´are gonna see Prepositions, Family and Animals, To Know People and Facts and, Formation of Plural Nouns

sábado, 26 de julio de 2008

miércoles, 23 de julio de 2008

Learn Spanish. Questions Words and numbers

You wanna ask something...then you need to know how...

You know how to count???

Note: If you are just saying 100, you use just cien. If it's over 100, you use ciento. So 101 is ciento uno. And 156 would be ciento cincuenta y seis. Also you can also use dieciséis, diecisiete, dieciocho, and diecinueve for 16, 17, 18, and 19, respectively. They are pronounced the same but are combined into one word.

The next chunk its yummi...we´re gonna see the days of the week, months of the year, and the seasons

domingo, 20 de julio de 2008

Learn Spanish. To Be and to Have

Todays chunk its a little bit bigger...chew it well

To be, or not no be...
Note: Ser is used to indentify or describe. It tells what something is, its basic characteristics, or its origin. Estar is used to tell the location of something or how someone feels.

Uses of Ser

Uses of Estar

Common Expressions with "to be"

In the next we are gonna see Questions Words and the Numbers/Ordinals

jueves, 17 de julio de 2008

Learn Spanish. Subject Pronouns

Note: Vosotros is used only in Spain when speaking to more than one person with whom you know well. Nosotras and vosotras refer to a group of all females, as well as ellas. Ustedes is almost always used for saying "you all" in all Spanish speaking countries. Usted can be abreviated to Ud. Ustedes can also be abreviated to Uds. Please note that the subject pronouns are rarely used before verbs.

lunes, 14 de julio de 2008

Learn Spanish. Definite and Indefinite Articles and Demonstratives

You wanna learn some "español" (aysaypaynohaylay)

Note: El is also used with feminine nouns beginning with a or ha when the accent is on the first syllable. Use the ese froms to mean that when what you are talking about is near the person you are addressing. Use the aquel forms when what you are talking about is far from both you and the person you are addressing. Esto and eso are the neuter forms of this and that. They can be used in general and abstract ways