martes, 8 de julio de 2008

1.How to read spanish and speak it... Some Basic Phrases

Spanish Phrase/Pronunciation/english Phrase

¡Buenos días! /buayn-ohs dee-ahs/ Hello! - Good morning!
¡Buenas tardes!/ buayn-ahs tard-ays/ Good afternoon!
¡Buenas noches!/ buayn-ahs nohch-ays/ Good evening-Good night
¡Hola! /oh-lah /Hi!

¿Cómo se llama usted? /coh-moh say yah-mah oo-sted/ What is your name? (formal)
¿Cómo te llamas?/ coh-moh tay yah-mahs/ What is your name? (informal)
Me llamo... /may yah-moh /I am called...
Mi nombre es.../mee nohm-bray ays/ My name is...
¿Cómo está usted?/coh-moh ay-stah oo-sted/How are you? (formal)
¿Cómo estás?/coh-moh ay-stahs /How are you? (informal)
¿Qué tal?/kay tahl/What's up?
Yo estoy.../yoh ay-stoy/I am... (when talking about your mood)
Bien - Muy bien/bee-ayn-moy bee-ayn/Good- Very good
Mal -Muy mal- Más o menos/mahl-moy mahl - mahs oh may-nohs/Bad / Very bad / OK
Adiós./ah-dee-ohs/Good bye.
Hasta la vista./ah-stah lah vee-stah/Until we meet again.
Hasta luego./ah-stah loo-ay-go/See you later.
Hasta mañana./ah-stah mahn-yahn-ah/See you tomorrow.
Señor - Señora - Señorita/sayn-yor - sayn-yor-ah- sayn-yor-ee-tah/Mister / Mrs. / Miss
Mucho gusto/moo-choh goo-stoh/Nice to meet you.
Encantado/a. ain-cahn-tah-doh/dah Delighted to meet you.
Igualmente./ee-guahl-main-tay/Same here.
Yo también./yoh tahm-bee-ain/Me too.
¿De dónde es usted?/day dohn-day ays oo-sted/Where are you from? (formal)
¿De dónde eres?/day dohn-day air-ays/Where are you from? (informal)
Yo soy de.../yoh soy day/I'm from...
Yo soy de los Estados Unidos./yoh soy day lohs ay-stah-dohs oo-nee-dohs/I'm from the United States.
¿Cuántos años tiene usted?/quahnt-ohs ahn-yohs tee-ayn-ay oo-sted/How old are you? (formal)
¿Cuántos años tienes?/quahnt-ohs ahn-yohs tee-ayn-ays/How old are you? (informal)
Yo tengo _____ años./yoh tayn-goh _____ ahn-yohs/I am _____ years old.
Gracias./grah-see-ahs/Thank you.
Por favor./por fah-bor/Please.
¿Y usted?/ee oo-sted/And you? (used when asking the same question) (formal)
¿Y tú?/ee too And you?/(informal)
Te amo./tay ah-moh/I love you.

Note: For Encantado/a, you would use the masculine ending, o, if you're a man. You would use the feminine ending, a, if you're a woman. So, if you're a man, you would say Encantado, and if you're a woman, you would say Encantada. Most adjectives work this way. Also, accents (´ ) are very important in the Spanish language. You CANNOT leave out the accents or it'll change the meaning of a word. The syllable with the accent is the emphasized syllable in a word.

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